Feed Processing Summary: | ||||
Number of records processed | 1000 | 本次上传商品数量 | ||
Number of records successful | 815 | 本次上传商品成功数量 | ||
错误SKU | 错误代码 | 类别 | 错误信息 | |
original-record-number | sku | error-code | error-type | error-message |
0 | ABC | 90009 | Fatal | The file’s header row is missing or invalid. The header row is for Amazon use only and must not be modified or deleted. To correct this error, download the template again from seller Help and use that new copy, or insert the correct header row directly above the column headings in your existing file. 批量上传模板的格式错误。原因:批量上传模板的前三行被改动过;或者是保存为文本文件(制表符分隔).txt的时候出现错误,保存成了错误的文件格式。 |
亚马逊批量上传常见错误详解.doc (下载183)转载请注明:六特网 » 亚马逊批量上传常见错误详解