Product Tax Codes
More information about each product tax code (PTC) can be found within the Tax Settings tool of your seller account.
Code | Description |
A_GEN_TAX | Always Taxable |
A_GEN_NOTAX | Always Nontaxable |
Books & Printed Materials
Code | Description |
A_BOOKS_GEN | General Books |
A_BOOKS_RELIG | Religious Books |
A_NEWS_104PLUS | Newspaper Subscriptions More than Weekly |
A_NEWS_52WKLY | Weekly Newspaper Subscriptions |
A_NEWS_26BIWKLY | Biweekly Newspaper Subscriptions |
A_NEWS_12MTHLY | Monthly Newspaper Subscriptions |
A_NEWS_4QTLY | Quarterly Newspaper Subscriptions |
A_PERDCL_104PLUS | Periodical Subscriptions More than Weekly |
A_PERDCL_52WKLY | Weekly Periodical Subscriptions |
A_PERDCL_52W-4Q | Weekly to Quarterly Periodical Subscriptions |
A_PERDCL_SEMIANNL | Semiannual Periodical Subscriptions |
A_PERDCL_ANNUAL | Annual Periodical Subscriptions |
A_CLSFD_52WKLY | Weekly Classified Publications |
A_CLSFD_52W-4Q | Weekly to Quarterly Classified Publications |
A_CLSFD_SEMIANNL | Semiannual Classified Publications |
A_CLSFD_ANNUAL | Annual Classified Publications |
Code | Description |
A_CLTH_GEN | General Clothing |
A_CLTH_BATH | Bathing Suits |
A_CLTH_BUCKLS | Belt Buckles |
A_CLTH_COMPON | Clothing Components |
A_CLTH_ATHL | Athletic Clothing |
A_CLTH_CSTUMS | Costumes |
A_CLTH_FORMAL | Formal Clothing |
A_CLTH_FUR | Fur Clothing |
A_CLTH_HANDKE | Handkerchiefs |
A_CLTH_HBAGS | Handbags |
A_CLTH_IFUR | Imitation Fur Clothing |
Sporting Goods
Code | Description |
A_SPORT_ATHLSHOES | Athletic Shoes |
A_SPORT_ASUPPORT | Athletic Supporter |
A_SPORT_BIKEHLMT | Bicycle Helmet |
A_SPORT_MISCSPORTS1 | Miscellaneous Sports 1 |
A_SPORT_SKISUIT | Snow Ski Suits |
Code | Description |
A_FOOD_GEN | General Food |
A_FOOD_CNDY | Candy |
A_FOOD_CNDYFL | Candy Containing Flour |
A_FOOD_BKTGN76-90 | General Food Basket 76-90% |
A_FOOD_BKTGN50-75 | General Food Basket 50-75% |
A_FOOD_BKTCDY50-90 | Candy Basket 50-90% |
A_FOOD_JUICE0-50 | 0-50% Juice Content |
A_FOOD_JUICE51-99 | 51-99% Juice Content |
A_FOOD_CARBSFTDK | Carbonated Soft Drinks |
A_FOOD_CARBWTR | Carbonated Water |
A_FOOD_NCARBWTR | Non-Carbonated Water |
A_FOOD_WINE | Wine |
School Supplies
Code | Description |
A_SCHL_SUPPLS | School Supplies General |
Code | Description |
A_COMP_COMPUTER | Computer or Computer Bundle |
A_COMP_GAMPER | Computer Gaming Peripherals |
A_COMP_PDA | Personal Data Assistant |
A_COMP_PERIPH | Computer Peripherals [Non-Gaming] |
A_COMP_PRTSUP | Printer Supplies |
A_COMP_PRINT | Printers |
A_COMP_EDUSOFT | Educational Software |
A_COMP_SOFTOP | Operational and Productivity Software |
A_COMP_SOFTRC | Recreational and Home Software |
Code | Description |
A_WARR_PARTSNSRVC | Warranties, Parts and Service |
Code | Description |
A_SERV_INSTALL | Installation Services |
Electronic Goods
Code | Description |
A_EGOODS_SOFT | Downloadable Software |
A_EGOODS_MISC1 | Miscellaneous E-Goods |
A_EGOODS_DIGITALMUSIC | Digital Music Downloads |
A_EGOODS_DIGITALGAMES | Games Delivered Electronically |
A_EGOODS_ONLINEGAMINGSUBS | Subscription to Online Gaming |
A_EGOODS_DIGITALNEWS | Newspapers Delivered Electronically (Single Issue) |
A_EGOODS_DIGITALNEWSSUBS | Newspapers Delivered Electronically (Subscriptions) |
A_EGOODS_DIGITALPERDCL | Periodicals Delivered Electronically (Single Issue) |
A_EGOODS_DIGITALPERDCLSUBS | Periodicals Delivered Electronically (Subscriptions) |
Health and Beauty
Code | Description |
A_HLTH_OTCMED | Over the Counter Medication |
A_HLTH_SPFCOTCMED | Specific OTC Medication |
A_HLTH_SPFCORALHYG | Specific Oral Hygiene Products |
A_HLTH_CONTACTSOLN | Contact Lens Solution |
A_HLTH_SUNSCRN | Sunscreen |
A_HLTH_BANDKIT | Bandages and First Aid Kits |
A_HLTH_THRMTR | Thermometer |
A_HLTH_FEMHYG | Feminine Hygiene Products |
A_HLTH_TISSUETOW | Tissues and Paper Towels |
A_HLTH_INCONT | Incontinent Aids |
A_HLTH_CONTRCEPV | Contraceptives |
A_HLTH_FAMPLANTEST | Family Planning Products |
A_HLTH_BABYSUPPLS | Infant and Baby Supplies |
A_HLTH_DIETSUPMT | Dietary Supplements |
A_HLTH_MONITOR | Health Monitors |
A_HLTH_DIABSUPPLS | Diabetic Supplies |
A_HLTH_PROSTHETIC | Prosthetic and Orthopedic Devices |
A_HLTH_MOBILITY | Mobility Aids |
Infant and Baby Supplies
Code | Description |
A_BABY_BRSTPUMP | Breast Pumps |
A_BABY_CLOTH | Baby Clothing |
A_BABY_CARSEAT | Child Car Seats |
Amazon Functional Codes
Code | Description |
A_SHIP_NOTAX | DO NOT USE — For Amazon Internal Use Only |
A_ESS_FEE | DO NOT USE — For Amazon Internal Use Only |
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